Docomomo Chile

Chilean chapter of Docomomo International

Seminarios: Aeropuertos Extremos: arquitectura y modernidad en Chile (1953-1973) / Arica, martes 10 sept., 17:30 h , Centro Cultural Junta de Adelanto / Antofagasta, jueves 12 sep., 18:00 h, Sala Ángela Schweitzer, EARQ, UCN

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Los responsables del proyecto FONDART Nacional “Los confines en la definición del tipo arquitectónico. Las regiones extremas y la arquitectura aeroportuaria. Chile, 1953-1973″, Dr. Boris Cvitanic D. y Dr. Claudio Galeno Ibaceta invitan al seminario Aeropuertos Extremos: Arquitectura y modernidad en Chile (1953-1973), a efectuarse el día martes 10 de septiembre del año en curso, a las 17:30 h, en el Centro Cultural Junta de Adelanto (Calle Gral. Velásquez 955), Arica; y el día jueves 12 de septiembre del año en curso, a las 18:00 h, en la Sala Ángela Schweitzer, Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad Católica del Norte (Avenida Angamos 0610), Antofagasta.


SEMINARIO EN ARICA: Martes 10 de septiembre, 17:30 h. / Centro Cultural Junta de Adelanto (Calle Gral. Velásquez 955), Arica.

17:30 -17:40 / Presentación

17:40 – 18:00 / El Plan Nacional de Aeródromos y la arquitectura moderna en regiones extremas / Boris Cvitanic D. – Claudio Galeno I., responsables proyecto FONDART 701688

18:00 – 18:20 / Trazados modernos en el desarrollo urbano de Arica. Aeropuerto Chacalluta 1961-1962 / Esteban Balcarce / Infraestructura y Planificación, Ministerio de Educación Arica y Parinacota

18:20 – 18:40 / Rutas, rieles y alas: Conectividad y comunicaciones en Arica.1900 a 1970 / Daniel Castillo R. / Departamento de Ciencias Históricas y Geográficas, Universidad de Tarapacá

18:40 – 19:00 / La modernidad del Estado en el extremo austral: El Aeropuerto Chabunco de Punta Arenas / Boris Cvitanic D. / Departamento de Arquitectura, Universidad de Magallanes

19:00 – 19:20 / Terminal aéreo de Antofagasta: Arquitectura moderna ambiental, monumental y regionalista / Claudio Galeno I. / Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad Católica del Norte

19:20 – 19:40 / Discusión

20:00 / Cierre

SEMINARIO EN ANTOFAGASTA: Jueves 12 de septiembre, 18:00h. / Sala de Extensión Ángela Schweitzer, Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad Católica del Norte, Av. Angamos 0610, Antofagasta.

18:00 – 18:10 / Presentación

18:10 – 18:30 / El Plan Nacional de Aeródromos y la arquitectura moderna en regiones extremas / Boris Cvitanic D. – Claudio Galeno I., responsables proyecto FONDART 701688

18:30 – 18:50 / Ciudad y aeropuerto: Antecedentes urbanos del “Aeropuerto Cavancha” de Iquique / Víctor Valenzuela G. / Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad Arturo Prat

18:50 – 19:10 / Vicisitudes de los aeródromos de Antofagasta y la Línea Aérea Nacional / José Antonio González P. / Escuela de Derecho, Universidad Católica del Norte

19:10 – 19:30 / La modernidad del Estado en el extremo austral: El Aeropuerto Chabunco de Punta Arenas / Boris Cvitanic D. / Departamento de Arquitectura, Universidad de Magallanes

19:30 – 19:50 / Terminal aéreo de Antofagasta: Arquitectura moderna ambiental, monumental y regionalista / Claudio Galeno I. / Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad Católica del Norte

19:50 – 20:10 / Discusión y cierre

Pre event: Conserving Modern Heritage in Turkey: 20+ Years of docomomo_Turkey / June 4, 11:00 am Chile

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Join us for a captivating discussion on “Conserving Modern Heritage in Turkey: 20+ Years of docomomo_Turkey”


Yildiz Salman, Co-chair Docomomo_Turkey (Istanbul Technical University)

Nilüfer Baturayoglu Yöney, Secretary Docomomo_Turkey (University of Central Florida)

H. Ilke Alatli, secretariat Docomomo_Turkey (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University)

Date: June 4, 11:00 am Chile (UTC -4)

Founded in 2002, docomomo_Turkey has tirelessly worked towards recognizing, documenting, and conserving modern urban and architectural heritage in Turkey. Join us as we delve into the efforts of the past 20+ years, highlighting campaigns, collaborations, and the invaluable role of conferences and publications. Learn about the Local Manifestations of Modern Architecture in Turkey poster conferences, a pivotal initiative documenting nearly 1500 buildings and sites. Discover the current threats facing modern heritage conservation, from urban development to earthquake risks.

Image: Ataköy Housing Estate Phases I-II, Istanbul. Photo credit: Nilüfer Baturayo?lu Yöney, 2006


Don’t miss this enlightening session! Save the date and spread the word.

Pre-Event: Modern Heritage in Mexico / Louise Noelle Grass / 28th May, 11:00 am Santiago Chile

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The 18th International Docomomo Conference 2024 is just around the corner, and we have an incredible Pre-Event proposal to unveil!

Pre-Event: Modern Heritage in Mexico
Date: 28th May, 11:00 am Santiago Chile | (UTC -4)

Image rights: Louise Noelle Grass

More information and registration:

Can’t make it live? Don’t worry! All sessions will be recorded and available on the @centropatrimonio YouTube channel:(

Mark your calendars for this illuminating prelude to the 18th International Docomomo Conference 2024, where we uncover the untold narratives behind architectural brilliance.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Patrimonio Moderno en Chile: ¿Por qué? y ¿Para que? / Día del patrimonio en la UC 2024 / jueves 23 de mayo, 18:00 hrs. Salón Sergio Larraín, Campus Lo Contador

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Hablemos de Patrimonio Moderno.

¡No te pierdas la mesa redonda: Patrimonio Moderno en Chile: ¿Por qué? Y ¿Para que?, este jueves 23 de mayo a las 18:00 hrs. Contaremos con grandes exponentes de diversas regiones de Chile como: Boris Cvitanic, Claudio Galeno, Úrsula Exss, Anna Braghini, Erwin Brevis y Horacio Torrent.

Salón Sergio Larraín, Campus Lo Contador, El Comendador #1946, Providencia.

¡Inscríbete en el link!:

Pre event: LAKA – Unveiling the hidden story her creative power / 9/04/2024 / 11:00 AM Santiago

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Speakers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nataša Koselj, architect

Date: 09/04/2024 12:00 am

Date details: 11:00 am Santiago Chile | (UTC -4) due to time change

LAKA – Her own studio in Ljubljana. Photo- MAO


Abstract:   Between 1967 and 1981, Vladimira Bratuž – Laka, a Slovenian architect and sculptor, taught at Ple?nik’s Križanke Art School in Ljubljana. These years represent the period of Slovenian structuralism with Cankarjev dom as the peak of this period. It is interesting that Laka built her own studio, which she named Moj dom (My home) on Veselova Street in Ljubljana, in the same year that Cankarjev dom (Cankar’s home) began to be built in the immediate vicinity. Both buildings have a lot in common, especially in terms of a structuralist approach to the treatment of space, since in both cases the classical understanding of perspective and facade breaks down into sequential views that give a more complex and multidimensional understanding of space and building elements. This brings a new dynamic to the understanding of architecture, in the case of Laka’s living studio ‘My Home’ on a very small scale and in the case of Ravnikar’s Cankarjev dom on a very large scale.

Written by Claudio Galeno

April 7th, 2024 at 6:22 pm

Photo Contest / 18th International Docomomo Conference / deadline september 2nd

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Join the excitement of the 18th Docomomo International Conference with our photo contest! Submit up to 3 original photos focused on the general theme of the Conference “Modern Futures: Sustainable development and cultural diversity”.

Call for Applications!

Deadline: September 2, 2024, 13H00 GMT

Photos must be original and unpublished (not submitted in any other competition or not wholly or partially restricted from reproduction or subject to copyright) and must refer to the thematic areas of the conference (see

The jury, composed of prominent photographers, architects and Docomomo members, will choose one winner and five special mentions, who will exhibit their work at the event and appear in Docomomo promotions.

The photography registration form is open, you can find it in the following link or check our Linktree in bio.

Written by Claudio Galeno

April 2nd, 2024 at 5:07 pm

Pre Event: Conserving Modern Heritage in Germany / 02/04/2024 / 11:00 am / 18th International Docomomo Conference

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Berlin_Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, 2020. © Mila Hacke

Register for this pre event


Uta Pottgiesser, Chair Docomomo International (TU Delft/TH OWL)

Monika Markgraf, Docomomo Germany (Registers Committee)


02/04/2024 11:00 am

Date details

Santiago Chile 11:00 hrs (UTC -3)


The continuous documentation of modern masterpieces, emblematic neighborhoods and ordinary buildings and ensembles is at the very heart of Docomomo’s mission. Documentation has been the source of academic and professional exchange within Docomomo’s community in order to understand, protect, conserve and reuse the heritage of Modern Movement. The Docomomo International Specialist Committees Registers (ISC/Registers) was the first one to be established to engage the  to engage the National Working Partiesin developing a global inventory of modern architecture and its conservation.

In its current homework Docomomo Germany documented impressive examples of conservation and reuse that can serve as best practices for different conservation approaches.

The session will give an overview of the current state of the discourse related to conservation technology and conservation management including latest impressions from the Docmomo Germany Conference 2024 dealing with large-scale buildings such as Airport Tegel, Airport Tempelhof or the famous Berlin ICC.

Written by Claudio Galeno

April 2nd, 2024 at 8:50 am

CALL FOR PAPERS: NEW DEADLINE: Feb 12th. 2024/ 18th International Docomomo Conference

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Exciting News for the Docomomo Community! We’re thrilled to announce that the deadline for abstract submissions for the 18th International Docomomo Conference has been extended to February 12th!

Don’t miss this golden opportunity to share your insights and research on modernist architecture and heritage preservation. Whether you’re a seasoned scholar or a fresh voice in the field, we want to hear from you!

Hurry and submit your abstracts by February 12th to be part of this global conversation shaping the future of modern architecture

Follow us so you don’t miss the sessions we have!

More information:

Written by Claudio Galeno

January 13th, 2024 at 10:39 am

Pre event: Documentation, conservation and archives / 28/11/2023 11:00 am

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Register for this event here

Type of event: Online


Lucia Maria Sá Antunes Costa, PROURB-FAU/UFRJ

Maria Cristina Nascentes Cabral, PROURB-FAU/UFRJ

Carla Urbina, PROURB-FAU/UFRJ and PUC-Rio

Isabel García Pérez de Arce – Original Archives- FADEU- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Michelle Llona, Archivo de Arquitectura, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Date: 28/11/2023 11:00 am

Date details: Santiago Chile 11:00 hrs (UTC -3)

Image: Roberto Burle Marx’s gardens in progress for the Faculdade Nacional de Arquitetura, Rio de Janeiro, circ. 1960. Source: NPD – FAU/UFRJ


Archives and restoration: Roberto Burle Marx’s gardens for the Faculdade Nacional de Arquitetura, Universidade do Brasil.

Abstract :   

Archive collections allow different forms of manipulation as primary records for the restoration of listed gardens. This presentation discusses how the NPD’s collection – Research and Documentation Center, FAU-UFRJ, has being driving the restoration of Roberto Burle Marx’s gardens for the then Faculdade Nacional de Arquitetura of the Universidade do Brasil in Rio de Janeiro, which building was designed by the architect Jorge Machado Moreira. Created in the 1960s, it is an important and representative set of modern architecture and landscape in Brazil. The NPD’s Burle Marx collection, which mainly includes the original landscape design, institutional documents and photographs, is being explored by an interdisciplinary team that includes landscape architects, historians, designers and botanists. This work aims to support decisions to restore Burle Marx’s gardens for the University Campus, aiming to value and disclose their relevance within the scope of Modern Landscape Architecture.

Between archive and event: Ephemeral works from the Museum of Solidarity, 1971-1973

Abstract :  

The Museo de la Solidaridad (Santiago, Chile, 1971–73), or Museum of Solidarity, is a singular attempt to reconcile the conflicting couple of art and politics. The Museum of Solidarity was the materialization of president Salvador Allende’s Unidad Popular Government’s ideas on artistic visibility, in relation to the shared agendas of both projects: the cultural change of Socialism in Chile and the new experimental model of the Museum. 

Renowned artists, curators and critics such as Harald Szeemann, Guy Brett, Sol Levitt, Helio Oticica and others participated in the inception of this Museum. This was possible thanks to the social and ethical commitment that Mario Pedrosa’s experimental curatorial? proposal, which involved participating in this unique museum based on the word «Solidarity».The experimental museum project of Allende and Pedrosa was left unfinished, as consequence of the military coup of 11 September 1973. The documents kept from this period are footprints left from an interrupted conversation. Non-objectual works of art, which are now in the archive, raise relevant questions related to their activation: how can we confront these artistic works that were created under specific motivations and contexts, without tearing the poetic and political memory contained in their original proposal?

Lima Civic Center. Promenade axis perspective (c.1966). García Bryce collection. Archivo de Arquitectura PUCP.

José García Bryce: Collections for a history of Peruvian architecture


The exhibition is a story told from architectural documents. It focuses on showing its value as proof of the intellectual activity inherent to the project, as tangible and conceptual evidence of a story, establishing a parallel between the constructed work and the documents—plans, perspectives, photographs, articles and essays—; in this case, by the architect José García Bryce. I selected nine of his productions, and brought them together in a chronological narrative that allows us to take a glimpse at the evolution of his thought. 

In search of a dialogue, and to achieve diverse readings of the documents and ideas that García Bryce handles, we review the selected material with other architects and artists. I invited people who maintained some connection with García Bryce to review a set of documents from the archive and to propose hypotheses about the built works compiled here. To this dialogue we added analytical texts on the written essays, as well as graphics and photographs, which allow us to reflect on the architect’s research.

Written by Claudio Galeno

November 27th, 2023 at 6:11 pm

Pre event: Concrete’s Latin American relatives / 14/11/2023 11:00 am

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Register for this pre event here


Juan José Fontana Architect PhD Universidad de Alicante,  Professor Instituto de Tecnologias  FADU, UDELAR, Uruguay.

Jorge Gambini Architect, Professor Instituto de Tecnologias  FADU, UDELAR, Uruguay.

Mary Méndez Architect, Magister of History of architecture Universidad Torcuato Di Tella 

Professor Instituto de Historia FADU, UDELAR, Uruguay.

Fernando Tomeo Architect, Professor Instituto de Tecnologias  FADU, UDELAR, Uruguay.

Ruth Verde Zein, Brazil

Date: 14/11/2023 11:00 am

Date details: Santiago Chile 11:00 hrs (UTC -3)


Absolute limit. The Municipal Columbarium of Nelson Bayardo in Montevideo, Uruguay


The Municipal Urnarium in Montevideo, Uruguay, was designed in 1959 by architect Nelson Bayardo and engineer José Pedro Tizze to house funerary urns (National Historic Monument since 2014). It is one of the most significant works built in Uruguay in the second half of the twentieth century. A carefully studied implantation shows the intimate relationship of the building with the surrounding landscape. In contrast, the continuity of the building evidences the identity between reinforced concrete and a system of spatial organization proposed in dynamic terms. The Urnarium reflects the main discussions of the time, such as the sculptural valuation of the load-bearing system and the respect for the constructive qualities of the materials. It manifests the search for integration of the arts and the obsession with geometry. It even allows the exploration of problems related to symbolism; themes also present in other examples of the period.

Photo Nelson Kon

4 x 1961(2). Vilanova Artigas & Contemporaries


About four buildings designed in 1961/2, situated on the American continent, sharing similarities and differences. Almost like a family. FAU-USP Building, Artigas & Cascaldi, São Paulo, Brazil; Boston City Hall, Kallmann, McKinnell & Knowles, Boston, United States; CEPAL Building, Duhart, De Groote, Goycolea, Santelices, Santiago, Chile; National Library, Testa, Bullrich, Cazzaniga, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Rereading them in the light of the disciplinary culture, activating the possibility of understanding them through the complex relationships they establish with their predecessors and contemporaries. 

Written by Claudio Galeno

November 13th, 2023 at 10:30 am